27 02 2014
Oracle Table Space 생성
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1. sqlplus를 DB에 접속하지 않고 실행시킨다. 먼저 oracle계정으로 접속한뒤 $sqlplus /nolog 2. sysdba로 오라클에 접속한다. SQL>connect 유저명/패스워드 as sysdba ( connect system/비밀번호 as sysdba) create tablespace abcd_maindb datafile 'D:\web\NURICORE\database\abcd_maindb.dbf' size 300M default storage (initial 1M next 1M minextents 2 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0 ); create tablespace abcd_indexdb datafile 'D:\web\NURICORE\database\abcd_indexdb.dbf' size 300M default storage (initial 1M next 1M minextents 2 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0 ); create temporary tablespace "abcd_tempdb" tempfile 'D:\web\NURICORE\database\abcd_tempdb.dbf' size 50M extent management local uniform size 5M; create user abcd identified by 비밀번호 default tablespace abcd_maindb temporary tablespace "abcd_tempdb"; grant connect,resource to abcd grant connect,resource,EXP_FULL_DATABASE,IMP_FULL_DATABASE to abcd |
사용자 그룹관리 Oracle 백업/복구 Import or Export